Shamballa School is a branch of AVATARA


AVATARA is a field of training dedicated to humanity’s awakening as an avatar of the One Universal Life, here on earth with a cosmic destiny and purpose to serve.

AVATARA’s contribution to the current global process is to empower human beings to enter into this collective destiny now, to empower the planetary integration needed today.

To do this, we offer trainings and events in person, and on an online membership-based platform that has 4 branches.

The 4 branches of Avatara are:

  • Shamballa School: provides training in the mysteries of spirit

  • Heart of the Cross: provides training in the mysteries of soul

  • Prima Materia: provides training in the mysteries of matter

  • Avatara Eden: provides training in the integration of spirit, soul and matter, the revelation of the divine Presence that is the essence of all three, and humanity’s role in revealing and transmitting this Presence through the kingdoms of the earth and beyond into the cosmos