The Failure of the Moon Chain - Jon Darrall-Rew

Recently, I have been going deep into some teachings in the Trans-Himalayan (TH) teachings on what is called “the failure of the moon chain”.

These are some of the most mysterious parts of the teachings. That said, they are super significant and relevant for where we are in our collective evolution on earth today (a.k.a., why shit’s kinda fucked up). This is one reason I’m posting this, because people very often understandably want to understand different traditions’ take on why there is the conflict, pain, suffering and evil there is in the world. Well, this is one major piece on the TH teachings’ take on this.

I get a lot of this will seem pretty far out, and may bring up more questions that it answers. But for those interested, here goes.

According to the TH teachings, the super awake cosmic beings incarnating through planets like the earth, and the solar system, have different incarnations where there are different parts of their being that are the focus of their evolution, just like we do.

And, just like we might be working with some deep karma that was generated by some challenging stuff that happened in our last incarnation, same for them.

So, it is said in the teachings that our moon is what is left of the physical body of our planetary Logos (the incarnating spirit of the Earth) in its previous incarnation before this one where it is incarnating through the Earth. To get the details of all this, and for those wanting to go ultra-geeky and understand the whole TH teaching on cosmic cycles, root-races, globes, chains, schemes, etc. check this documentary out:

What we are taught is that during this earlier incarnation of our PL – as I said, our planetary Logos’s previous incarnation where it had a different physical body (the moon), just like all of us did in our previous incarnations – the evolutionary process went MASSIVELY off course as a result of the humanity of the moon chain becoming addicted to matter.

Basically, the evolutionary process reached the point where matter had been integrated and humanity there could have continued evolving into higher levels, and yet the human lives there refused that. Instead, being very animal-body focussed, because that was where the focus of evolution was at in that cycle, they went deeper into matter, getting fully hooked into addiction to sexuality, exploitative sex magic, selfish power, and materialism. It is also said that the moon chain connected to its “polar opposite” too soon, meaning that the sexual force came online in that humanity before consciousness was raised enough to not become consumed and overtaken by it. Indeed, it is said that what happened on the moon chain is related to the emergence of the Black Lodge on Earth, though this of course also has its cosmic sources.

*For those who know the technical details of the TH model of the planes, the degree to which the evolutionary process became retarded by this addiction to matter is found in how it is taught that the lower five planes of the cosmic physical plane (the physical, astral, mental, buddhic and atmic planes) were due to be the focus for evolution in the moon chain, leaving the higher five planes (the mental, buddhic, atmic, monadic and logoic planes) as the focus for this current earth chain. Moon chain humanity did not transcend the lower two planes though because of them being consumed in materialistic preoccupation. This resulted in the situation where humanity remains ‘stuck’ in matter, unable to connect to where the abundant love and energy of the cosmic evolutionary process is obvious on subtler planes.

All this basically means evolution on earth is way behind schedule.

It is said in the teaching that this situation on the moon chain caused such a massive disruption to the evolutionary process as it was relevant to the solar system as a whole, that the solar Logos (the incarnating spirit and massively awakened cosmic buddha of the whole solar system) actually intervened to end the evolutionary process on the moon. That is a big deal. It is described as a “systemic failure”, meaning a failure in the evolutionary process of relevance not just to our planetary journey, but to the solar system. Again, a big deal. This was a bigger version of the destruction that was brought to Atlantis when everything went bad there too owing to a later repeat of this addiction to matter, materialism, selfishness, exploitative sex magic, and abuses of power earlier in this current incarnation of our planetary Logos.

It is also said that what happened on the moon chain was an expression of causes that had their root in the previous solar system (i.e. the previous incarnation of our solar Logos).

Ok, next piece. The teachings tell us that when the evolutionary process transitioned from the moon chain to the earth chain (the last incarnation of our planetary Logos to this current one), out of “excess compassion” our PL chose to take into his body those lives and the matter from the moon chain that had still not made the grade of where the evolutionary process should have been by that point (that matter is described in the teachings as the “refuse from the previous system”).

It’s important to get here what this matter actually is. It is the matter that forms our whole physical plane. It is the flesh of our bodies, of nature, of our cities and oceans and ecosystems. It is actually also the subtle matter of our emotional and mental planes. What this all means is that our entire material realm is made up of matter that was meant to be at a way, way higher vibration by the current point in evolution. It was meant by this point in the evolutionary process to be matter that shone with divinity rather than apparent separation. Of course what we see in the material realm is an expression of how evolved the consciousness doing the seeing is. In this respect the main issue that came from the failure on the moon chain was that the evolution of consciousness was massively held up, resulting in humanity still being caught in the tribal, divisive, separation-based consciousness it is today.

So, moving on to look at our current humanity: it is taught that our current humanity today is made up of:

1) Monads who individualised on the moon chain (*individualisation relates to the point where a monad transitions out of the animal kingdom into the human kingdom through the birth of an individual human soul out of an animal group soul). These are mainly 3rd ray monads.

2) Other monads who individualised in this current earth chain, 10 to 18 million years ago in the previous root races of Lemuria and Atlantis – these are mainly 2nd ray monads.

3) Some extra-planetary souls from other planets and solar systems.

Ok, so here’s where this all gets relevant for our current global situation today. It is taught that not only was the war and destruction of Atlantis a re-surfacing of the conflict from the moon chain, and also the 2nd world war in our current root race, but also that much of the world conflict today is between the more advanced but mentally focused moon chain humanity, who hold more power, money and influence, and the less advanced but more loving earth chain humanity, who are the kind and warm people of the world. The moon chain humanity are considered more advanced because they have been in the evolutionary process longer, having individualised as souls in the PL’s previous incarnation while earth chain humanity individualised in the PL’s current one.

The conflict between these two groups is embodied in the global conflict today in terms of massive wealth and power inequality, capital and labour, the intelligentsia and the masses, the 99% and the 1%, and is connected to the degree to which very smart but unloving people are controlling shit on the planet. This would be the moon chain humanity that are well developed in the 3rd aspect of creative intelligence, as mostly 3rd ray monads, but who lack the love principle, which is held by the predominantly 2nd ray monads of earth chain humanity.

The conflict between these two groups is also embodied in the tension between the lunar and solar traditions of initiation, which either point the path walker to go deeper into body or consciousness respectively. When polarised, the solar path dissociates from matter, seeing it as only to be transcended, and the lunar path dissociates from consciousness, seeing it as disembodied.

This is also embodied in the relationship between the 3rd ray personality and 2nd ray soul of the PL of the earth.

The conflict between these two forces is the basis of the global crisis we find ourselves in today, where the retardation of the evolutionary process has held things back to the point where we face the global crisis we do. The TH teachings tell us that if the moon chain failure had not happened, we would be way further on the ascension train right now (matching where the evolutionary process is currently on Venus where things are now apparently pretty cosmically enlightened on the subtle planes where evolution is happening there). Rather, what we have on earth now is a global crisis where beings who are strong in mind but disconnected from love and embodiment are holding power, without the heart needed to work the global crisis out, and those who have the love and the embodiment but don’t have the power or the intelligence often to take the needed steps. We are disconnected tribal beings facing a global problem.

And now how this relates to us in Shamballa School:

This all comes at the same time that the PL has decided to take the calculated risk of releasing the energy of Shamballa, which is now coming in from the Galactic Centre because of the galactic alignment starting around the turn of the millennium, and the dawning Age of Aquarius that brings in this energy of spirit. It also comes at the time of the dawning 7th ray age where the focus will turn toward the redemption and healing of our relationship with matter.

The coming in of the Life principle – the Fire of Spirit – is crucial at the current point in our collective evolution / crisis as it allows us to shift our identification deeper than the lunar and solar, the intelligence and love or matter and consciousness aspects, into the spirit aspect that is the root of them both. When this happens, we awaken to the divinity at the root of each, we learn to integrate both as two expressions of the one energy of spirit, and the conflict between them is resolved.

It’s actually said in the teachings that there are three methods to facilitate the evolutionary process that are used at different points in time:

1) Gradual and natural evolution based on the inherent energy in matter. This is like just putting bread in the oven and knowing it will eventually rise owing to the yeast inside it. This was the method in the previous solar system and the moon chain in this current solar system.

2) Initiation: this is where consciousness is helped to evolve by the influence of more evolved beings on less evolved beings (like masters teaching and initiating younger souls). This is the method used in the current solar system and the current earth chain incarnation of the PL.

3) Identification: this is where evolution is catalysed by radical opening to the Life force of Spirit. This will be the method of the next chain (the next incarnation of our PL) and the next system (the next incarnation of our solar Logos in a crazy amount of time in the future).

Even though the third method will only come to full flower in very distant evolutionary cycles of the earth and solar system, with the energy of Shamballa being activated now, this third method of identification is coming online within humanity, and it has the power to dramatically speed up the evolution process for the current pioneering individuals who are working with it now (such as us), and for humanity as a whole once it has landed more on earth.

It could be said that the coming in of the Life principle is right in the nick of time, as it has the promise to offset the delay resulting from the failure of the moon chain.

Indeed, it seems to me that it may have been more than excess compassion that had our PL chose to take into its body the lunar lives from the moon chain (described in the teachings as “the refuse of the earlier system”) that had not been worked through to raise their vibration to be congruent with where evolution was meant to be at by that point.

I wonder whether on a deeper level it was to do with what we know is the PL’s cosmic purpose to reveal, activate and then transmit the power of divinity (our PL has a 1st ray monad) through and out from the matter of earth, once all matter here has been revealed as sacred and its dragon energy activated, into the physical cosmos to call other civilisations presently operating on subtle levels into physical form. Indeed, it is said in the teaching that the 1st ray monad of our PL is required to integrate the life of what is called the “3rd evolution”, also know as “the planetary entity”. This is the life force in the most dense, physical matter, which forms our physical, astral and mental bodies and planes. It seems that moon chain humanity activated the power in this most dense matter prematurely, which pulled them down the shadowy rabbit hole into some bad places. It’s also said that this power is most dense matter will only be fully integrated into our PL’s divine expression when the life aspect comes online in the next system / the next incarnation of our solar Logos. In the life of the individual, this power is integrated at the 5th initiation when one becomes a master.

In this regard, we can see that the work of Shamballa School is to bring in the Life aspect of Spirit to initiate humanity into what is behind, deeper than and has the power to integrate the conflict between sun and moon, consciousness and body, masculine and feminine. By doing so, we contribute to reconciling the global crisis and humanity entering a new era.